Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, distinguished
participants, ladies and gentlemen.
Over a century ago, a venerable religious figure confined in
a remote outpost of the Ottoman Empire articulated a vision that may inspire
our deliberations at this historic gathering. Addressing one of his followers,
Bahá'u'lláh penned these words:
“Our hope is that the world's religious leaders and the
rulers thereof will unitedly arise for the reformation of this age and the
rehabilitation of its fortunes. Let them, after meditating on its needs, take
counsel together and, through anxious and full deliberation, administer to a
diseased and sorely-afflicted world the remedy it requireth”. [1]
Our world is undergoing rapid and far-reaching changes,
drawing humanity ever closer together, into what some have called a global
village. Cultures and peoples that, for most of history, have lived in
isolation from one another are now interacting face-to-face, on a daily basis.
Sadly, however, social progress and the growth of wisdom and understanding have
not kept pace with material advances, so that our global village is not a happy
or a peaceful place. Indeed the time has come for its elders to take counsel
together and think of the future.
Our Children are the Future
Looking beyond immediate crises and conflicts, one of the
greatest dangers facing mankind comes from a generation of children growing up
in a moral vacuum. Our hearts go out to the child-soldiers of Africa, the
child-prostitutes of Asia and the desperate scavengers of the world's countless
slums and refugee camps, victims of a poverty which is both spiritual and
material. But we must not forget the millions of young people growing up in
societies whose traditional value systems lie in ruins, or those deprived of
spiritual training by generations of dogmatically materialistic education. And
lest we oversimplify the causes or the remedies, let us also call to mind the
young products of permissive liberalism in the West, some of whom are as
well-armed and violence-prone as their age-mates in less prosperous lands.